Thirty Minutes of Your Day - William Russell
The King's Head Theatre in Islington is one of the oldest, possibly the oldest, of London's pub theatres with one of the most impressive records of them all as far as its shows are concerned. One reason we cover the fringe is to alert you around the country who come to London and want to go to a show that there is more to see than just what is on display on Shaftesbury Avenue or at the National Theatre - and they cost a great deal less to see. They may lack star names but you could catch someone on the way up. I certainly have.
Productions in theatres like that seldom get filmed like those from the major houses but at this time when theatres are closed it is staging at 1pm on Facebook and Instagram each day a thirty minute session of interest to all who go to the theatre - and who might someday want to run one just like it. The topics cover finance, doing improv, acquiring skills, directing and on Fridays there is a book club in which an actor will take you through a favourite play.