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The Worldwide Ukrainian Play Readings. The Brockley Jack Studio Theatre, 146 Brockley Road, London SE 4. A charity event - 4 June 2022. William Russell.

The theatre survives under all sorts of conditions - life still goes on in Ukraine but funds are needed. This charity event at the Jack Studio, a theatre we cover regularly, is to raise funds for two charities - the Ukraine Emergency Performing Arts Fund and Voices which helps children affected by the war. It consists of a series of readings of short plays written during the war by Ukrainian dramatists and will through a light on life there in a different way from the reports one sees on television. This is the people talking not foreign reporters doing their job.
Tickets, which can be bought free on line or by calling 0333 666 3366 for which there is a charge, cost £15. So all you supporters of the Jack put the date in your diary.
They are -
Our Children; The Peed Upon Armoured Personnel Carrier; A Dictionary of Emotions in the Time of War; Planting an Apple Tree; Peace and Tranquility; Give Me a Taste of the Sun.