The Barren Author by Paul Birch. Richard O'Brien tells tall stories on Spiteful Puppet. 4****. "William Russell

Tell tall tales is something Richard O'Brien, the man who have the world The Rocjk Horror show, is adept at and this latest venture finds him narrating the adventures of Baron Munchausen as re-imagined by Paul Birch. The result is six hilarious half hour episodes which could cheer any winter evening and while maybe not quite suitable for tiny tots once into double figures the audience should no know bounds. He tells them to his potential publisher, a lady called Smith played by Sophie Aldred, described at one point as his psychiatric all bran - she keeps him regular. She also cannot believe what she is being told as the Baron travels the world from north to south meeting many mishaps, some fatal, as he goes. There may be no visuals, but there are sound effects and as a narrator O'Brien conjures of the strange and incredible people and the equally peculiar creatures he meets on his voyages to with relish and great skill. Perfect taken in small doses on a winter night by the fire.
To hear them go to

The cost is £3.99 an episode - each is 30 minutes long - or £16.95 for the lot. Assemble the family, or sit yourself with a refreshing tincture, throw a log on the fire or turn up the gas,and enjoy.


Howerd's End by Mark Farrelly. The Golden Goose Theatre, 146 Camberwell New Road, London to 31 October 2020. 4****. William Russell.


Death of England - Delroy by Clint Dyer & Roy Williams- the National Theatre. To 28 November 2020. 4****. William Russell