Nottingham Playhouse gets cash from the Culture Recovery Fund.

The Nottingham Playhouse has received £789,011 from the £257m Culture Recovery Fund - the grant was in the list of awards announced on 12 October 2020. Stephanie Sirr, Chief Executive, said the Playhouse was greateful to receive the aid it had requested which would see it through util March 2021. "It means we can face the future with a great deal more confidence," she said.
The details of the theatre's plans for the winter were announced on 10 October - see Cinderella
William Russell


Truth To Power Cafe - No Borders - world premiere on line 16 - 18 October 2020 and on tour in 2021. 4****. William Russell.


Eleanor Turner and Clare O'Connell. St Mary's Church, Nottingham. 11/10/20. 4****. William Ruff