Noah and the Peacock by Jeff James - Nottingham Playhouse on line . 4****. William Russell
The run was very short - but the theatre if there is the demand could well be persuaded to redo this splendid on line play for the under tens written and directed by Jeff James. For £9 a family could view and interact Zoom fashion with the actors - children were invited to dress up as the animals who went two by two to Noah's ark and instructed how to help with the sound effects. It is amazing what you can do with a bottle of water or a packet of crisps. The plot is how the vain and foolish peacock (Kyle Stoller) was so busy admiring himself when the rains came that Peahen (Danusia Samai) got fed up and went without him, getting on board by meeting up with three ducks and persuading Noah's stupid son, who did not know much about birds, that they were two pairs of a different species of duck. In time Peacock turns up. Will he get on board?
The cast perform from their homes, the props are inspired, and even for someone my age it passed an hour most agreeably/
The cast have a whale of a time - all the other parts are played by Bradley Foster and Patricia Davenport - and as on line family entertainment it could hardly be bettered. The audience I watched it with were entranced. Also by Zoom standards this was an extremely polish affair - indeed by any standards. uk