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Jury by Martin Murphy. Park Theatre You Tube to 2 September 2020. 4****. William Russell

During lock down one of the Park Theatre in Finsbury had an adult learning Script Class and this play directed by Amy Allen was a project they worked. The presumption is that because of the pandemic jury meet on Zoom. The assorted eleven have a case involving a white female television presenter and an under age black boy with who she allegedly had sex and she also allegedly tried to pervert the course of justice by paying his family a lot of money. The piece lasts about an hour and the arguments are hilarious and all too believable - as for the outcome, because minds get changed, you need to see it to find out.
As a product of lock down this is a delight - watch how the alleged victim is either a boy or a young man, a drug addict or just a drug user. As for the alleged affair it starts after he does work experience on her television show and some years later makes contact on Whatsap.
All human life is there from the Guardian reader who is drowning in Me Too to the senior citizen who has discovered the delights of a stiff gin and tonic with her morning soft boiled egg and soldiers, and the Ukrainian lady who is wise in the ways of the world. Go to the Park site and it will direct you to You Tube to find out as they struggle with the demand that they come up with a majority verdict and not waste the time of the court system just what they get up to. Prejudices are aired, personalities are exposed. The Park may have had to close but the theatre's time has not been wasted.