Jane Clegg by StJohn Irvine. The Finborough Theatre on line to 5 August 2020. 4****. William Russell.
This is a most welcome chance to see a fine production from this adventurous and gallant fringe theatre which specialises in reviving forgotten plays - the ones that the National Theatre never seems to find space or time for. I reviewed it in April last year as a most welcome resurrection and it received widespread acclaim from other reviewers. It is 1913, a woman's place is in the home, there to serve her husband and bear his children Jane (a fine performance from Alix Dunmore) has a weak and straying husband in Johnny Clegg (Theo Wilkinson),and a mother in law (Maeve Alexander) who thinks her son can do no wrong. but he does, falsifying a cheque and finding himself in trouble from which it is possible his wife might save him. Jane has some private money which she is joarding to pay for the education of their children, something at a time when husbands were supposed to own everything their wives possessed means Johnny - and his besotted Mamam - believe she should give him to allow him to escape his problems. Jane refuses. It is at times a little laboured - there is a lot of domestic routine - and to modern eyes it is an alien world but it is a powerful piece for all that and one has to be surprised that the revival was the first time it had been seen in 75 years. As always a donation to the theatre would be welcome as the viewing is free.
Photograph: Bronwen Carr