The Mikado by Gilbert & Sullivan. Studio 1, the Arcola, 24 Ashwin Street, London E6 to 23 September, 2023. 5*****: William Russell.

The Mikado by Gilbert & Sullivan. Studio 1, the Arcola, 24 Ashwin Street, London E6 to

23 September, 2023.

5*****: William Russell.

This Charles Court Opera production is the last in the Grimeborn opera season at the Arcola and proves pure delight from start to finish. The book and lyrics of this tale of death and love in the town of Titipu have been, you could say, titivated by director John Savournin and the same goes for the music by the company’s musical director David Eaton. A the centre is a delightful comic performance from Matthew Kellett as Koko – he is called something else but no spoilers – and on the night I saw it Savournin appeared as the Mikado, a rather more benevolent a figure than one expected. There was a Katisha to die for from Amy J Payne as well . But no plot spoilers. Savournin knows his Glbert and the new jokes do not, as sometimes happens, stand out like sore thumbs while the musical updating is perfectly in tune with the original. At the piano David Eaton is everything one thinks a one man band should be. Fabulous.

The production has been touring and no doubt will continue to do so. Should it appear at a theatre near you do not hesitate. It is an inventive, imaginative, well sung production of an opera which sometimes gets drowned in fake Japanese kimonos and fluttering fans and ritual routines. The legendary ENO Jonathan Miller production set the standard for breathing new life into a Gilbert and Sullivan opera and this Charles Court one, although on a small, intimate scale, can stand comparison. It is a triumphant affair.


Matthew Kellett.

Robin Bailey.

Alys Mereid Roberts.

Meriel Cunning ham.

Jennifer Begby.

Matthew Siveter.

Amy J Payne.

Catrine Kirkman.

John Savournin

Matthew Palmer.


Director – John Savournin.

Musical Director – David Eaton.

Designer – Rachel Schumukler.

Lighting Designer – Rachel E Cleary.

Photo credit – Bill Knight.


Vanya – after Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekhov. Adapted by Simon Stephens. The Duke of York’s Theatre, St Martin’s Lane, London to 21 October 2023. 4****: William Russell.


It Lives Inside (2023), Dir Bishal Dutta, Vertigo. 5*****: Matthew Alicoon.