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Next to Normal. Music by Tom Kitt. Book and Lyrics by Brian Yorkey. The Donmar, 41 Earlham Streeet, London WC2H to 07 October, 2023. 4****: William Russell.

Next to Normal. Music by Tom Kitt. Book and Lyrics by Brian Yorkey. The Donmar, 41 Earlham Streeet, London WC2H to 07 October, 2023.

4****: William Russell.

A musical about mental illness is something out of the ordinary and this beautifully song and performed show directed by Michael Longhurst is proof, if proof be needed, that musicals can tackle serious subjects. It won a Pulitzer prize and three Tonys in 2010 and its arrival here is long overdue. Diana and Don Goodman, son Gabe and daughter Natalie seem at first sight, as the opening number Just Another Day suggests, a typical American middle class suburban family with a rather splendid kitchen going about their business, except that something is wrong – and that something, we find, is that Diana, a superb performance by Calesie Levy, has bipolar disorder and is on pills and treatment from a psychiatrist. The action spirals on from there with son Gabe proving a constant presence, and daughter Natalie playing up annoyingly and acquiring a pot head boyfriend called Henry. Eventually it comes down to Diana, who has been affected by something that happened 18 years earlier and has been protected ever since by the possibly over-protective Don, getting electric shock treatment which empties her brain and, while it does not cure her, sets everyone, especially her husband, off in new directions. Levy delivers her numbers with power and provides the piece with its centre – although the ever present, ever loving Gabe, played by Jack Wolf, gets a scene stealing moment with his big number I’m Alive. The sub plot involving the rebellious Natalie and Henry, every bit as well meaning and dense as Don, rather overdoes the counterpoint to the main story but the performances rescue things when they seem in danger of going wrong. The cast of six could not be bettered, the dialogue is crisp and often very funny even when Diana’s life is in turmoil, while the band under Nick Barstow does full justice to a splendid score. The Donmar has a hit on its hands.


Cassie Levy – Diana Goodman

Jamie Parker – Dan Goodman

Eleanor Worthington-Cox – Natalie

Jack Wolf – Gabe

Trevor Dion Nicholas – Dr Madden/Dr Fine

Jack Offrecio – Henry


Director – Michael Longhurst

Musical Supervision –Nigel Lilley

Designer – Chloe Lamford

Movememt Choreography – Ann Yee

Lighting Designer –Lee Curran

Sound Designer – Tony Gayle

Video Designer – Tal Rosner

Musical Director – Nick Barstow

Costume Supervisor – Sabia Smith.