Malevo. The Peacock Theatre, Portugal Street, London WC2 to 04 November, 2023. 4****: William Russell.

Malevo. The Peacock Theatre, Portugal Street, London WC2 to 04 November, 2023.

4****: William Russell.

This 13 strong dance troupe backed by splendid musicians is breathtaking to watch. Maybe a non stop 70 minutes of drumming and complicated dance routines with boleadros – a cord with a stone at the end which can be whirled in amazing shapes round the dancer – is too much of a good thing, but there is no denying that it is a good thing. The dancers perform the intricate footwork immaculately – they appear to have been drilled to within an inch of their lives with, one assumes, director, choreographer and star taking centre stage. There was no programme, a penny pinching decision since all that is needed is a list of names of performersand the credits for the creatives. This is their UK debut so for anyone interested in how dance in Argentina is developing it is an evening not to miss – whether it is one to go to more than once, having found out, is another matter. One can get a surfeit of drums, whirling boleadros, strapping thighs, bare chests and black locks being tossed in the air to for most of the time over amplified music. It was a relief when the musicians towards the end performed the likes of Yesterday, although what the Beatles had to do with Argentina is a mystery. At least tango has tunes. This is a bit like watching male Tiller Girls doing impeccable routines – a pleasure at the time but one that doesn’t last past the exit of the theatre.

Director & Choreographer – Mathias Jaime.

Dance – 31 October 2023.


Brahms 3, Symphony Hall, Birmingham, CBSO, 01 November, 2023. 5***** David Gray & Paul Gray.


Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell by Keith Waterhouse. The Coach and Horses, 26 Greek Street, London selected dates from 30th October. 3***: William Russell.