Ghost Stories - written by Jeremy Dyson and Andy Lyman, Theatre Royal Plymouth - until 8th February, 2025, 3☆☆☆. Review: Indigo Cleverly.

Clive Mantle as Mike Priddle. Photo Credit: Hugo-Glendinning.

Ghost Stories - written by Jeremy Dyson and Andy Lyman, Theatre Royal Plymouth - until 8th February, 2025,

3☆☆☆. Review: Indigo Cleverly.

“Ghost Stories packs a great deal into just 90 minutes.”

Running Time: 1hr 30mins (no interval)

As everyone filters into the Theatre Royal Plymouth auditorium, audience members are aware of what they have signed themselves up for; the marketing consists mainly of audience reactions rather than production pictures . Ghost Stories returns on another UK tour, haunting audiences all around the UK.

The play revolves around Dr. Goodman, a Professor of Parapsychology delivering a lecture on ghost stories, showing us various pictures and videos before exploring three testimonies of people claiming to have had a supernatural experience. Seamlessly, we are transported into a retelling of these experiences, full of suspense and anticipation.

David Cardy portrays Tony Matthews, a frustrated night watchman who recalls his paranormal experience in a warehouse at night. Eddie Loodmer-Elliott is compelling and at times, hilarious as nervous teen Simon Rifking and finally, Clive Mantle as Mike Priddle, a businessman who tells his story of his and his wife’s attempts to start a family brilliantly.

Dan Tetsell as Professor Goodman brings the perfect blend of intelligence and sarcasm which is compelling and discusses some interesting theories on the genuineness of alleged ghostly evidence, for example these sightings being merely manifestations of guilt.

As with all suspense stories, the tense atmosphere is undeniably reliant on sound and lighting. Sound designer Nick Manning uses striking bass tones and dynamic, eerie sound effects from different parts of the auditorium to create an immersive environment where jump scares can come from any direction. Lighting designer James Farncombe uses dim lighting and sudden blackouts to complement the action and potent tension levels.

Scott Penrose’s special effects play an essential part in creating the cinematic atmosphere which causes ghostly illusions and paranormal movements. Admittedly, some special effects were more humorous as apposed to the intended ‘frightening’ with laughter replacing screams at times.

I’ll admit , the scares weren’t always particularly visually frightening, but the intense volume of the sound effects and crescendos is more frightening. This slightly dampens the theatrical magic, particularly towards the end where I felt more compelled to cover my ears than my eyes.

Writers and directors Jeremy Dyson and Andy Nyman along with director Sean Holmes are successful in manipulating the audience's expectations almost comically, everyone in the audience is united in their anticipation and hyperawareness of new noises and small movements on the stage. The writers’ intentions to evoke fear and unknowing are successful, with certain jump scares causing audible screams and gasps and audience members literally being perched on the edge of their seats.

A whirlwind of physical and psychological horrors, Ghost Stories is a unique play which exploits audiences’ trepidation and expectations to explore paranormal activity, a topic which clearly, many are interested in. Although I wouldn’t consider myself one in the slightest, I’m sure thrill seekers would be satisfied with this production. However even if you wouldn’t label yourself a thrill seeker, Ghost Stories packs a great deal into just 90 minutes.


Professor Goodman - Dan Tetsell

Tony Matthews - David Cardy

Simon Riffkins - Eddie Loodmer-Elliott

Mike Priddle - Clive Mantle


Writers - Jeremy Dyson / Andy Nyman

Directors - Jeremy Dyson / Andy Nyman / Sean Holmes

Set and Costume Designer - Jon Bausor

Lighting Designer - James Farncombe

Sound Designer - Nick Manning

Special Effects - Scott Penrose


Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake – The Next Generation, A New Adventures Production, Birmingham Hippodrome, 06 Feb 2025. On until 15 Feb 2025, then on tour, 5☆☆☆☆☆. Review: David Gray and Paul Gray.


Community by Farrah Chaudhry Birmingham Repertory Theatre, 6 Centenary Square, B1 2EP, 3☆☆☆, Review: Joanna Jarvis.